
WWII veterans battle COVID-19

WWII veteran Zinaida Korneva, following the example of captain Tom Moore, called for raising funds to help Russian doctors affected by COVID-19.

WWII veterans battle COVID-19

WWII veteran Zinaida Korneva, following the example of captain Tom Moore, called for raising funds to help Russian doctors affected by COVID-19.
Appeal of Zinaida Korneva
98-year old WWII veteran from Russia Senior Sergeant Zina Korneva, following the example of the "Brother-In-Arms" veteran from Britain Captain Tom Moore, called for raising funds to help Russian doctors affected by COVID-19.

In 1945 we overcame fascism together, now we are fighting coronavirus together", - says the Russian veteran. Anti-aircraft gunner Zina Korneva went through WWII from Stalingard to Berlin.Veteran from Russia decided to support the initiative of her British alley and announce fund raising for Russian doctors and their families, affected by coronavirus.

In return for donations Tom Moore promised to walk 100 lengths of his garden with his walker. Zina Korneva can not go out of her house even with her walker, that's why every day until VE Day she will tell real stories about War from her life and post on internet.

As a personal gift "Grandma Zina" decided to knit socks for "Grandpa Tom", so it will keep him warm - from Russia with love.
Инициатива Зинаиды Корневой
Видеообращение Зинаиды Корневой
Hello, Tom!
I heard your story. You are strong man and true solder. In 1945 we overcame fascism together and now we are fighting the virus together. You, British, are doing a great job as you support your doctors so much.

Tom, I want to make a Birthday gift for you. I will knit socks. It will keep you warm. From Russia with love. On behalf of our veterans I want to announce fundraising for Russian doctors who got infected with COVID-19. Tom, I can not walk 100 lengths of my garden. As I don't go out of my house. I promise every day before VE Day to tell stories in Instagram about War from my real life.

Hug you, Tom! Be healthy!
We will win!
© автор Денис Лопатин
French caricaturist artist of Russian origin Denis Lopatin from Non-commercial organization "Cartooning for Peace" drew an illustration based on veteran stories of Tom Moore and Zinaida Korneva.

The Old Guard goes into battle. Coronavirus will be stopped!
© Denis Lopatin


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Military photos of Zinaida Korneeva
Зинаида Корнева, Зина Корнева
зинаида корнева, зина корнева
зинаида корнева, зина корнева
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